Webcomics R&D

Mad Science



“Bongcheon-Dong Ghost” (봉천동귀신) by HORANG
A 2010s-infamous comic that uses scrolljacking for horror — note it might not work on mobile. Turn your sound on if it isn’t already (it’s not a jumpscare scream)
Has a sequel that’s apparently not as good. Later followed up with a third riff on the concept, so it’s at least a three-trick pony.
Kill Six Billion Demons #139–140: The Tower by Tom Parkinson-Morgan
If you have no idea what you’re looking at on the above link, you may want to start reading from 3 pages earlier
Prequel’s “Carefully descend the strange stair case” by Kazerad/foxmage
Decrypting Rita by Margaret Trauth/Egypt Urnash
The entire comic works via horizontal scrolling, which I’m not sure how I feel about but it’s a worthy experiment. Well, it starts out that simple, anyway. There’s a point to the horizontal scroll later. (You definitely want to be on a big, wide screen to read it, though.)

The opposite of “The Infinite Canvas”: infinite tiny canvases

If you’re not familiar with Scott McCloud’s Infinite Canvas, it’s the idea that you can lay out webcomics however you like because web pages can be infinitely long and/or wide. The success of WEBTOON and Tapas have more or less proven Scott right, albeit in a vastly simplified form, but it took the popularity of mobile phones and their need for narrow comics to make it happen.

[NOTE to self: I’ll need to archive and HTMLify most of his links there, it looks like.]

But its reverse is also true; you can have infinite pages!

Kid Radd by Dan Miller
Note the above link is a backup mirror, hosted and updated for modern browsers by Brad Greco. No idea where to find Dan Miller nowadays, sadly.
Especially see Kid Radd’s “Making Of” explanation pages
Platinum Grit by Trudy Cooper, Doug Bayne, and Danny Murphy
Alas, only the last 3 episodes can be viewed in flash emulators, so I made an HTML version and linked it above.
- About Digital Comics by Yves Bigerel, aka “Balak
The original was Flash on the creator’s deviantArt, so the link above is to my HTML recreation.

Limited animation


Speculative ideas